Non-Blocking Parallelism for Services in Go
a.k.a. the "tickler" pattern
a.k.a. the "tickler" pattern
Questioning what it means to be a cheater
Two parameters worth checking your day job against
The technologist's trap
An email correspondence that made the world smaller
An email correspondence that made the world smaller
An email correspondence that made the world smaller
An email correspondence that made the world smaller
An email correspondence that made the world smaller
An email correspondence that made the world smaller
Spreading knowledge to the benefit of all
Hindsight and reflections on an important decision
Unifying batch and streaming through timely dataflow
An Overview of "Dremel: Interactive Analysis of Web-Scale Datasets" (2010)
An introduction to the Mesos cluster management framework
Times of upheaval in your life are the best time to slide in a new routine.
A showcase of interacting with the Google Cloud Vision API to recognize text in the wild from within a Swift iOS application
Taking the ideas of std::any one step further to achieve highly flexible polymorphism
A brief discussion of a research-first deep learning framework
An investigation into using Rust to write a small web service